
How Long Does a Garbage Disposal Last?


A garbage disposal is an essential kitchen appliance that helps make cleaning up after meals a breeze. It grinds up food waste and helps prevent clogs in your pipes, reducing the amount of waste you send to the landfill. However, like all appliances, garbage disposals don’t last forever. So, how long does a garbage disposal last? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the lifespan of garbage disposals and what factors can impact their longevity.

Average Lifespan

First, let’s start with the basics. The average lifespan of a garbage disposal is around 10 to 15 years, but this can vary depending on several factors. One of the most important factors that can impact the lifespan of your garbage disposal is how often you use it. Garbage disposals that are used frequently, such as in a busy household, may wear out faster than those that are used infrequently.

Another important factor to consider is the quality of the garbage disposal. Cheaper disposals may not be built to last and may break down sooner than a higher-quality model. Investing in a more durable, high-quality garbage disposal may cost more upfront, but it can save you money in the long run by lasting longer and requiring fewer repairs.

How to Prolong A Garbage Disposal Lifespan

To prolong the lifespan of your garbage disposal, it’s important to use it properly and perform regular maintenance. Here are some tips to help you extend the life of your garbage disposal:

Use cold water

When using your garbage disposal, run cold water, not hot water. Cold water helps solidify any grease or oil that may have been put down the disposal, making it easier for the blades to chop it up and move it through the pipes. Hot water can melt the grease and cause it to build up in the disposal or the pipes, potentially leading to clogs and other issues.

Run the disposal regularly

Even if you don’t have anything to dispose of, it’s a good idea to run the disposal regularly. This helps prevent rust and corrosion by keeping the moving parts lubricated and prevents any stagnant water from building up in the disposal.

Avoid putting certain foods down the disposal

Not all foods are safe to put down the garbage disposal. Avoid putting hard or fibrous foods (such as bones, corn husks, or celery) down the disposal, as they can damage the blades. Also, avoid putting starchy foods (such as pasta or rice) down the disposal, as they can expand and cause clogs.

Clean the disposal regularly

Regularly cleaning your garbage disposal can help prevent buildup and keep it working properly. You can clean the disposal by pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by hot water. Alternatively, you can use a commercial garbage disposal cleaner.

Impacts to a Garbage Disposal’s Lifespan

Several factors can impact the lifespan of a garbage disposal. Here are some of the most important factors to consider:

Frequency of use

The more frequently a garbage disposal is used, the faster it is likely to wear out. Garbage disposals that are used multiple times a day, such as in busy households or commercial kitchens, may have a shorter lifespan than those that are used less frequently.

Quality of the disposal: Cheaper garbage disposals may not be built to last and may wear out more quickly than higher-quality models. Investing in a durable, high-quality disposal can help ensure that it lasts longer and requires fewer repairs.

Proper use and maintenance

Using a garbage disposal improperly or failing to perform regular maintenance can also impact its lifespan. For example, putting hard or fibrous foods down the disposal, pouring hot grease down the drain, or using harsh chemicals or drain cleaners can damage the disposal and cause it to wear out more quickly. On the other hand, using the disposal properly and performing regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the blades and running cold water while using the disposal, can help extend its lifespan.

Environmental conditions

Environmental factors, such as hard water or power surges, can also impact the lifespan of a garbage disposal. For example, if you live in an area with hard water, mineral buildup in the disposal can cause it to wear out more quickly. Similarly, frequent power surges or outages can damage the motor of the disposal and reduce its lifespan.

How to Know When to Replace Your Garbage Disposal

There are a few signs that can indicate it’s time to replace your garbage disposal. Here are some of the most common signs to look out for:

Frequent breakdowns

If your garbage disposal is constantly breaking down and requiring repairs, it may be a sign that it’s time to replace it. Frequent breakdowns can be a sign that the disposal is nearing the end of its lifespan and may not be worth repairing.

Unusual noises

If your garbage disposal is making unusual noises, such as grinding, rattling, or humming, it may be a sign that something is wrong. Unusual noises can be caused by a variety of issues, including worn-out blades, loose parts, or a damaged motor.

Slow draining

If your sink is draining slowly, it may be a sign that there’s a clog in the garbage disposal or that the disposal is no longer working properly. Slow draining can be caused by a variety of issues, including a jammed disposal, a damaged impeller, or a worn-out motor.

Foul odors

If your garbage disposal is emitting a foul odor, it may be a sign that there’s a buildup of food waste or other debris in the disposal. While this can sometimes be resolved with cleaning and maintenance, it can also be a sign that the disposal is nearing the end of its lifespan and may need to be replaced.


As mentioned before, the average lifespan of a garbage disposal is around 10 to 15 years. If your disposal is approaching or exceeding this age range, it may be time to consider replacing it, even if it’s still working properly.

In general, if you’re experiencing persistent issues with your garbage disposal or it’s approaching the end of its expected lifespan, it’s probably time to consider replacing it. 

Contact White’s Plumbing LLC

In conclusion, the average lifespan of a garbage disposal is around 10 to 15 years, but this can vary depending on several factors, including frequency of use, quality of the disposal, proper use and maintenance, and environmental conditions. By investing in a high-quality disposal, using it properly, and performing regular maintenance, you can help extend the lifespan of your garbage disposal and avoid costly repairs or replacements down the line.

If you are having issues with your garbage disposal or need to replace it and live near the Youngsville, North Carolina area, contact White’s Plumbing!  Our expert staff can help you decide if your garbage disposal just needs to be fixed or if it needs to be replaced.  From there, we can help you get your garbage disposal running again in no time.

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