If your shower suddenly turns cold, it can be a frustrating experience. There are a number of possible reasons why your shower might not be getting hot water. In some cases, you may be able to fix the problem yourself. However, there are also situations where you will need to call a plumber for assistance. The experts here at White’s Plumbing in Youngsville, North Carolina have the top reasons for why your shower is only providing cold water, and how to fix them!
Reasons Why Your Shower Isn’t Getting Hot Water
There are many reasons why your shower isn’t getting any hot water. The following are some of the top reasons why this happens.
The Water Heater is Turned Off
This is one of the most common reasons why a shower might not get hot water. If the water heater is turned off, there will be no hot water for the shower. Additionally, if the water heater is off, the other water sources in your home – such as your sink faucets – will also not be able to access hot water.
There is a Problem with the Plumbing
Another possibility is that there is a problem with the plumbing. This could include a clogged shower head or a leak in the pipes.
The Water Heater is not Working
If the water heater is not working, then it will not be able to heat the water for the shower. This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as a power outage or a problem with the water heater itself. So, if you tried to turn your water heater on and it did not work, this may be a sign that the water heater has stopped working entirely.
There is Someone Else Using Hot Water
If someone else in the house is using hot water, it can cause the shower to have less hot water. This is because there is only so much hot water that can be produced in your home at one time. Some houses are able to withstand multiple people using the hot water at once, but some older homes are only able to sustain one person using the hot water at a time. Nevertheless, if you are having trouble getting hot water to your shower, try having only one person use the hot water at a time.
The Shower Head is Blocked
Another possibility is that the shower head is blocked. This can happen if there is mineral build-up on the shower head, or something else is blocking it within the showerhead itself.
Solutions for a Shower not Getting Hot Water
For every potential issue that can stop your shower from getting hot water, there is a solution to fix it. Here are some of the potential solutions for your cold shower issues:
Turn on the Water Heater
If the water heater is turned off, do not panic – there are ways to turn it back on. This can usually be done by flipping a switch or turning a knob. If the water heater continually turns off randomly, you may have a bigger issue with it, which affects more than just the shower temperature. If you have a consistent problem with your water heater, you may want to call a plumber for help.
Fix the Plumbing Problem
Another possibility is that there is a problem with the plumbing. This could include a clogged shower head or a leak in the pipes. If there is a clogged shower head, you can try to clean it yourself or call a plumber for assistance. If there is a leak in the pipes, you will need to call a plumber to fix the problem. They will be able to patch the leak for you or replace the pipe.
Clean or Replace the Shower Head
To clean a shower head, you can soak it in vinegar overnight and then scrub it with a toothbrush in the morning. If this does not work, you will need to call a plumber to replace the shower head for you, in case the blockage is further back in the pipe.
Fixing the Water Heater
If the water heater is not working at all, then it will not be able to heat the water for the shower. If there is a power outage, you will need to wait for the power to come back on – then the water heater may start working again. When there is a problem with the water heater, you will need to call a plumber for assistance, as this is likely an issue you cannot fix yourself.
When to Call a Plumber
There are a number of possible reasons why your shower might not be getting hot water. In some cases, you may be able to fix the problem yourself. However, there are also situations where you will need to call a plumber for assistance. Whether it is the water heater turning off once, there is a problem with the plumbing, or the shower head is blocked, you may be able to fix the issue yourself. However, if the water heater is simply not working, you will need to call a plumber for assistance.
If you are unable to diagnose the problem or are uncomfortable with fixing the issue yourself, this is also a great reason to call your plumber. It is better to have a professional address the issue rather than potentially messing it up yourself.
Contact White’s Plumbing for Assistance with Your Hot Water
Are you having trouble with getting hot water in your shower near the Youngsville, North Carolina area? If so, contact us here at White’s Plumbing LLC! Our certified plumbers are experts in the industry and are able to figure out what is causing your shower to have no hot water. Reach out to us using the form on this page or give us a call at your convenience. We will have someone come to your home as soon as possible to get the issue resolved!