Why Does My Sink Drain Slowly?

Your sink is one of the most important fixtures in your home – after all, you likely have multiple sinks between the kitchen and bathrooms.   When one starts to act up, however, it can be a major inconvenience. A sink that drains slowly is not only annoying, but it can also be a sign […]

Why Does My Water Heater Whistle?

Hearing sounds coming from your water heater might feel alarming, but it actually is not out of the ordinary.  In fact, it is actually common for your water to make noise – it does not automatically mean that something is wrong.  You might hear banging or rumbling, crackling and hissing, ticking, or popping.  For example, […]

How Does A Flapper Work?

Toilets have many different parts that go into making it function properly.  Some parts may sound more obvious than others, such as the fill valve.  Other parts, on the other hand, can cause a bit more confusion on their purpose and how they work.  One of the most important parts of the toilet is the […]

Why is my Toilet Tank Not Filling Up?

Have you ever flushed your toilet just to find that the does not fill up again?  We know how inconvenient this can feel, as well as alarming if you do not know the root cause of the issue.  There are many different reasons that could cause your toilet tank to stop from filling up.  After […]

Why is my Sink Water Brown?

When turning on your sink, you do not typically expect to see brown water come out.  However, if you see this unwelcome surprise in your home, you do not need to panic.  In most cases, your brown sink water should only last a few hours before it goes away on its own.  However, if the […]

Why Does My Toilet Leak When Flushed?

It can feel rather alarming when you flush your toilet and suddenly water starts leaking,  Especially when you do not know what caused the leak.  Thankfully, though, these leaks are typically pretty minor issues with easy fixes.  However, some of these issues may not be visible unless the toilet is moved. White’s Plumbing in Youngsville, […]

Why Won’t My Toilet Stop Running?

We all know the dreaded feeling – when you flush your toilet and suddenly, it doesn’t stop running. It isn’t clogged, but that noise just keeps going. If you don’t figure out a way to stop it, you know your water bill may see a jump soon.   Running toilets are not a new issue; this […]

Why Is My Kitchen Sink Sputtering?

A sputtering kitchen sink or faucet is often caused by air in the pipes. If you experience sputtering in your faucet once in a while, this could be the problem, and it’s probably harmless. Other times, aerators get clogged and may cause sputters too. However, when the sputtering is continuous, there may be other severe […]

Why Does My House Smell Like Sewer Gas?

Have you ever passed your sink or toilet and noticed a less than pleasant odor coming from it?  You most likely smell something referred to as “sewer gas.” This is an odor that is typically a mix of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, and hydrogen.   The odor typically poses no risk to the […]

How to Fix a pH Imbalance in Tap Water

All water, no matter where it comes from, has a pH balance; this number references the acidity of the water.  The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being acidic, 14 being basic, and 7 neutral.  Typically, for the tap water in our homes, that number should remain around a neutral number – 6.5 […]

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